Property acquisition in Austria and abroad

Whether it’s for residential buildings, office space or hotels – Value One is constantly looking for new property to realise pioneering building projects. We cover the entire real estate cycle, from property acquisition and planning to marketing, letting, sales and turnkey handover. In addition, we also offer ongoing facility management and administration. Because we want your joy to keep on growing. In Austria as well as abroad.

We are looking for property all across Austria

Value One Development is your number one partner for real estate development. We know how to stake out attractive, future-oriented locations before others recognise their potential. We are experts in implementing real estate projects that leave a lasting impression on any city. That’s why we are always looking for adequate properties across Austria.

Our requirements

  • properties with at least 3,000 m² of attainable living space 
  • ownership or building permit
  • developed or undeveloped 
  • designated land
  • undesignated real estate in potential development areas 

Your contact in Austria

Walter Hammertinger

Chief Development
+43 1 217 12-0

Property acquisition across Europe

Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, the Netherlands or Poland – Value One Development International is active in the whole of Europe.  We specialise in innovative residential property with a focus on micro living, district development and hotels. In addition, we are the exclusive developers of successful student living concept MILESTONE. For building projects like this one, we are constantly looking for appropriate premises across Europe.

You own an unused building plot or unoccupied real estate that yields little return? Our expert team is happy to assist you with your property sale, offering maximum security and excellent consulting services.  

You own a promising property? Contact us and we’ll get back to you with a legitimate and reliable offer as soon as possible! Value One Development is your number one choice for quick and uncomplicated procedures.

Your international contact

Sebastian Gruber

Managing Director Akquisition & Transaktion
+43 1 217 12-0